Our Korea Adventure Begins...

Thank you so much for signing up for my Korea Tour 2025! I'm so excited that you've shown interest! I genuinely can't wait to get to know you and travel the world with you!
I'd love to find a time to have a chat with you via Zoom or over the phone to go over the details of the tour. I'll be reaching out to you soon via email to schedule a day and time for us to chat on the phone or Zoom. (Keep an eye on your email!)
In the meantime, here is some information about the upcoming Korea Tour 2025.
How it works
Download your Korea Tour 2025 Brochure (located at the bottom of this page)
Schedule a Phone / Zoom info session with Joza
Pay the Korea Tour deposit ($850) *If you need extra assistance, ask me about breaking your deposit into two payments. (Please check the brochure for deposit due dates based on the date of your tour.)
Submit your Tour Service Agreement & pre-departure documents
Join Joza's 2025 WhatsApp Korea Tour Group (Opens in March 2024)
Attend monthly Korea Tour Zoom meetings
Head to Korea and have a blast with your besties!
Please keep in mind that all of my tours are first come, first served, so it's encouraged to secure your spot as soon as you're able to avoid your tour filling up. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me here, it's my direct email at : joza@jozaworldtours.com
Once again, THANK YOU for your interest in my Korea Tour. I'm so grateful for you and hope that we can make awesome memories in Korea! :)